Losing a Best Friend

Losing a best friend can almost feel as bad as losing a family member. Losing doesn’t have to mean they’ve gone out of your life. Losing can mean so many different things. Because I’ve lost a best friend. They haven’t gone out of my life. I see them everyday actually. We still hang out. We still have inside jokes. But I’ve lost her. She isn’t my best friend anymore. And if you asked her she probably would say the same. I’m tired of keeping a best friendship that’s basically gone to ruins. We’ll still say to people that we’re best friends but saying it almost feels forced. It’s not the same as it used it be. She’s moved on. If we go out in a group, she’ll probably forget I’m there but she still asks me to go out when she’s bored. I’m sick of being second choice. I’m sick of trying to keep this up. I’m not happy enough anymore. And it’s so hard to say all these things to people because the only person who can ever truly understand what’s going on is yourself. I’ve put everything I had into this friendship but I’m not getting it back. Nothing’s the same. We’re not close. We’re just not best friends I guess……

The Bigger The Distance….

People say that the bigger the distance, the bigger the connection. I never believed that until recently. I think when you know you probably won’t see them again, you start to latch on tighter. You start to cherish the friendship so much more. Because even though they live so far away, you feel like you wouldn’t be complete without them. You hope and pray that you’ll keep in touch and one day you’ll see them again and you’ll run up to them and give them a huge hug and tell them how much you’ve missed them. You hope that in years to come they’ll visit you and you can go to dinner with them and have a catch up. You hope that someday you’ll be walking somewhere and you’ll just happen to bump into them like your own little movie scene. But for now, you’ll just FaceTime them and text them everyday and enjoy it because who truly knows where life is headed…..

People Change

You meet new people. You have the time of your life with these people and realise how unhappy you are with others. These experiences with these people make you so inexplicably happy that a part of you forgets about the world and certain people. You then wave goodbye to these people and go back to reality. You then realise how much someone has changed. You can barely talk to them the way you used to because they barely seem like the same person. You realise that you are so unhappy around certain people that hearing a song that reminds you of great times with great people can almost make you burst into tears because of how much you miss them…….